| 1. | He felt his legs bend under him . 他觉得他的腿在发软。 |
| 2. | Our arms and legs bend at the joints ? the elbows and knees 我们的胳膊和腿在关节处? ?即胳膊肘儿和膝盖处弯曲。 |
| 3. | Keep both the arms and legs bent slightly while movement is in motion 每个动作的进行当中,保持四肢轻微的弯曲。 |
| 4. | The poor woman s head and arms fell ; her legs bent under her , and she fell on her knees 那可怜的女人把头一下埋在自己的双手之中,她的腿实在支持不住了。 |
| 5. | She lies on her stomach , with her head facing left , right arm extending out , buttocks sticking out , left leg bent upwards and right leg straight 她俯卧着,脸朝着左边,右手往外伸出来,屁股撅着,左腿往上弯,右腿伸直着。 |
| 6. | Call him , call him here ! kutuzov sat with one leg out of bed and his unwieldy , corpulent body propped on the other leg bent under him 库图佐夫坐了起来,他的一条腿从床上搭拉下来,他那肥大的肚皮歪着放在另一条蜷缩起来的大腿上。 |
| 7. | Villefort leaned on the back of an arm - chair , for as the minister of police went on speaking he felt his legs bend under him ; but when he learned that the unknown had escaped the vigilance of the agent who followed him , he breathed again 维尔福将身子靠在了椅背上,因为警务大臣在讲述的时候,他直觉得两腿发软,当他听到那人摆脱了跟踪他的密探的时候,他才松了一口气。 |
| 8. | He only saw the factory lad suddenly fall back on the cords , saw blood oozing in two places , and saw the cords themselves work loose from the weight of the hanging body , and the factory lad sit down , his head falling unnaturally , and one leg bent under him 他只看到,不知为什么工场伙计突然倒在绳索上,血从两个地方喷射出来,绳索本身在下垂的身体的重压下松开了,而工场伙计不自然地垂着头,屈着一条腿坐了下去。 |
| 9. | 5 . using your heel as a pivot , turn the toes of your left foot slightly out so that they come in line with your outstretched leg ; turn the toes of your tight foot in , as your right leg straightens and your left leg bends . your weight is shifted your left foot 右蹬脚:左手与右手腕相交叉,身体微向左转,左脚向左开步,重心前移,两掌心向外翻转,向下划弧,重心前移,右成丁步,两手抱至胸前,手腕相交叉,掌心向内。 |